Friday, November 30, 2012

Flaxseed for Hamster

 Bought this Golden Flaxseed (brand: Origin) from NTUC today, hoping to solve a little of his fur loss problem on his face. Hammie's face fur loss is not that bad, just that it is quite thin. It may be due to his daily grooming with his paws and nails. His nails are indeed sharp, but the length of the nails have been maintained at a certain length naturally. I haven't see the need for human intervention yet. 

I scooped up a bit of seeds and fed Hammie with spoon. To my surprise, he quite like it pretty well. He would hold on to the spoon and chewed those seeds instead of stuffing it :)

Glass Planking Buddies

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Buyers Remorse

My brother collected Hammie's new cage today which i have bought it at $40. It is a second hand zoozone 1. It should have been a happy event but the cage condition was not as good as i have expected. There is 1 big crack, many stains and scratches on the cage. It is not as what the seller has described. Photos didn't show either. It is definitely not a 2  month-old cage. It is also partly my fault for forgetting to ask my brother to check it. Should have bought him a new cage instead. Hope Hammie is happy is his new home. The floor area has increased quite significantly. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Hamster treat: Kachang Puteh

Things needed
1) 1 piece of clean paper
2) Some treats. I chose walnut bits
3) Some bedding

1) Use the piece of paper and roll it into a cone shape
2) Add in some beddings
3) Add in the walnuts bits
4) Fold the paper and close the gap
5) Make some holes so that your hamster can sniff the treat
6) Tada!

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Another broccoli day

Hammie loves his broccoli.
I believe deeply that Hammie can recognize, respond and come to me when I call him. but that only happens when he is in his ball.
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Thursday, November 22, 2012

eating on the sly

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

New toy!

Bought hammie a hamhead and a new ball today. He seems to like it a lot <3

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Big Leap Forward

When Hammie is in fright, he jump. Not quite a jump, more likely a leap wits a back flip somersault. I saw it with my own eyes when Hammie was frightened by a noise. My heart goes all out to him when I saw that. Luckily, he recovered to his active self almost instantly upon landing. However I still do not understand their intention of jumping and falling.
Stick insects naturally flip and fall to evade chases from predators. Due to their living environment, they will naturally land on some sticks or branches. Then, they could continue with their escape or blend into environment.
How does jumping helps Hammie to escape? Is jumping a natural behaviour for hamster? How high can they jump? I couldn't find answers for those question.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hammie handicraft

Look at what Hammie has done... the hole is big enough for 2  of my fingers to put through.
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hammie has 4 new whiskers growing from the front of his nose area... looks very amusing.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hammie's fur

Hammie has a very nice milky white glossy coat. Not only does it shines, it is soft and tender that could melt into everybody's heart. How I hope that my hair has such nice properties.
I guess having such fur does not comes by naturally.  It's due to its healthy diet coupled by regular exercise and worry-free environment. Perhaps there's some conditioning agent in his saliva too. Hmm...

For hair loss problems on hamsters, one may try nutrition yeast and flexseed. Bedding is also advisable to be changed to kitchen towel.
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Monday, November 5, 2012

somewhere in the zoo

Jia Jia and Kai Kai big plushies
Ring Tail Lemur: Whasssup?
Black and White Ruffed Lemur: It's THERE!!!
Lesser Mousedeer: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Spotted Whistling Duck (i like their tuft of hair behind their head)
Tree Nymph Butterflies
Crowned pigeon giving lessons to the duck. Obviously, one isn't listening
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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hammie toppled his bottle and water wetted the bedding. The bedding then left purple stains on the cage!!!

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