Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Stuffed food

Hammie has changed its eating habits. Previously he only stuffed bedding. Now he has  began to stuff food in his pouches at the very first sight of food. I can't find his food in his hideout either. Could he have finished everything? The answer will be revealed on his cage washing day. Hammie weighs 98g now.
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012


clean sides, clean hands, clean face, clean hands, clean legs, clean hands, clean balls, clean genital, clean belly, clean hands. He really take great effort in cleaning himself. As of yesterday, he weighs 101g.
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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Say it the 'Meow' way

Serangoon North pets

While my brother and I were shopping for Hammie's stuff, we also took the chance to look at the pets that various shops are selling. We get to touched a long fur female cream syrian hamster from House of Chinchillas  She was really big and heavy and i need 2 hands to hold her. We were told that she was full grown and weighed about 200g odd and that's twice the size and weight of Hammie. Although she was being carried around, she did not even struggle. She is also living in a really small cage, about 2 to 3 times her size :(. Probably that's why she is so big (fat).

At Pet Kiosk Pet Salon, we saw a lot of small hamsters. So many of them snuggle together, eating and sleeping in harmony. There were 2 odd balls. One is constantly licking the edge of the tank while the other is running in circles (his tank does not has a wheel). :(

Friday, October 26, 2012

Serangoon North Shopping

Hot hot hot... The weather has made me so lazy *yawn*.
Hammie has been quite sluggish these few days. I suspect it is the weather. His cage can trap quite some heat. Nowdays, he will just stare into the air with his big round eyes and will only get active when he's out of the cage.

Went to Serangoon North to do some shopping. Spent more than $30 on Hammie's stuff

1. Kaytee Clean and Cosy.
The white one is out of stock so i got him the purple one. I wonder if he could differentiate colours. I shall mix the beddings in the next cage-washing day. :) Cost $19.20 from PKPS.
2. Vitamin C
He loves that vitamin C and i give to him as a treat. Tasted dry with mild taste of sweetness.

The above 2 cost me $26.50 from Pet Kisok Pet Station. The guy said that the bedding cost and so the Vitamin C cost 7.30. However, previously, more discounts were given. Listed price is 22 and 7.5 respectively.

3. Vitakraft sand
Out of the so many items, the sand is the one that is moving the fastest. $10 per pack from Pet Mart

4. Leash
We have also bought a hamster leash - not to walk the hamster, but so that he can walk in the perimeter, without us worrying what he is doing. Although he still loves his hamster, he likes to bite it as well. The bite marks are so obvious now. However, Hammie is just too skinny for the leash. Impossible to loop him in and secure it. Looks like the next thing will be a play pen.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hammie and his Tissue

Just a few days ago, Hammie peed in his ball again. I took a piece of tissue and tried to clean him. Instead, he preferred to take it back home instead.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I can totally imagine my Hammie doing this. He's such as curious boy! Tomorrow will be his 2-month adoptversary. Time flies.

Monday, October 22, 2012

sticking my butt out

Having my Ham is definitely one of life greatest pleasure. He never fails to entertain me and i learn new things about him everyday. Love you Hammie.
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Sunday, October 21, 2012


These few days have been plagued by thunderstorms, however Hammie's spirits hasn't been dampened by the bad weather. As usual (for a week or so now), he's really active in the late afternoon and I witnessed his true power today. He went on running and scurrying for 4 hours straight!!! The organic mix is definitely the redbull that gives Hammie wings. He now weighs 98g. Too much activity for the past week.

Went to the zoo for duty today. Ringtail lemurs decided to call in unison, forming a forest orchestra. Video shows the 2nd lemur that continues the calling from the 1st lemur and then the rest followed.
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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hammie Vid

Hammie is so cute today. He had actually stuffed ALL the food from his bowl into his pouches and want them to bring to somewhere else which we did not have the slightest idea about it. Perhaps it has been raining and it may be an instinct to shift to higher grounds...

The youtube fails to capture some details.... :(

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Where will be a good position to sleep?
~Sweet Dreams~
Hammie looks so thin in the 2nd photo, but i guess he is still gaining weight..
Hammie life style has been quite drastically different since Sunday. He is actually awake in the day. Just today, he had spent 3 hours out in his wheel during the afternoon. At the same time, he is also pretty active at night and can roam around the house for hours. I hope he is okay.

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Demise of 2-Faced

2-Face (left) is Ah Boon's companion. They would usually stick and cuddle together especially rainy days. 2-face has a very fierce look. Yet she is one of the most timid and wary cat. Most cats would gladly accept the treats given to them, but she won't. Unless it is from a familiar someone, she would not touch the food. I guessed she must have been through a lot to be so cautious.

Her life has been taken away by an automobile in carpark. Although she survived the accident, she was in a very bad shape. To prevent further suffering, she was put to sleep and given entry to KittyLand @ Heaven. The cars in my neighbourhood seems to have a grudge against these cats. Most of their deaths were caused by cars and it seems to be on an increasing trend. I wonder what can be done to prevent another accident like this.

Rest in peace little one. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Active Sunday

Hammie has been crazily active in the day. Usually, he just sleeps through it. It is as though he had drunk Red Bull and wings were given to him today. He kept me so busy and i was really tired out by him. I could have left him in his cage but I couldnt ignore his pleas and innocent looking eyes. My heart melted and let him out. The strangest thing was that he wasn't even happy in his ball. He bit his the edges of the ball. As a result, he has roamed around the house under my close supervision for at least 2 hours (on and off). If i ever get my eyes off him, he would have escaped to the forbidden and darkest corner of the house. But he wasn't tired at all!!!!

Today was also his cage washing day. It was a hard time to keep him in such small box. Before washing his cage, i would place Hammie in the box, put in some beddings, 1 toy and all the leftover food from his food bowl. He can't give up his food and stuffing is the best option for him. This is my first time seeing him stuffing so much food in his pouches!

As he couldn't stay long in his carrier, i place him in his cage. I guessed it would be better for him that way. At least he is burning his energy by running his wheel. This 17cm wheel is still okay for him. I wonder if he will continue to grow.  Hammie now weighs 100g!

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My Ham is so much different from me.
I'm a person that wouldn't mind unorganized mess unless it blocks my way. Once in a long while and when the feel is there, then I would start to pack things up and place them at where they should belong. However in the aspect of organisation, my Ham is so much more systematic than me.

In my Ham's opinion, food is classified into 2 groups - prized collection  and normal food. Prized collection contains food that he loves but seldom gets to eat them. They include various beans and sunflower seeds and they are tucked in neatly into that particular corner of his hideout.
The normal collections contains the rest of the food which he likes

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

My escape route

This is what he tries to do every night. however, when the lights are switched off, he would be a good boy and run his wheel.

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

walnut 2

I accidentally cracked open his walnut and the lucky him enjoy his exotic food. Hammie weighs 98g le! Fattening walnut. haha
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In Lovin' Memory of Garfield

Garfield was long fur ginger stray cat who loved to loiter around grass patches and bushes. Even during heavy downpour, his love for the greenery did not diminish. He would rather hide in the bushes than to sleep in the sheltered HDB walkway. If he was a pokemon, he would definitely be a pure grass type.

He was a very affectionate cat. When one meow at him, there's a 80% chance that he would reply. The conversation could go on for a very long while. Then he would move towards the person, brushed his body against him and sat down by his side. If the human stayed for long enough, he would even lay his head on the human's feet and fell asleep.

Once the bond is built, he would even follow a person to wherever he goes. The cat is also a loyal chap that knows how to protect. If there are cockroaches near his human being, he would let out his claw attack and chase off those pesky little bugs. In return for his protection, the human just need to rub his tummy and he would be super duper contented and 'shiok'! In many ways, this cat is just like a dog.

Due to his overwhelming cuteness, someone has decided to bring him home a few years ago. However, he escaped and took 2 painstaking weeks to return to where he desire. By the time he was back, he had lost much of his weight and was dehydrated.

This time, he had found his permanent home - KittyLand @ Heaven. The cause of death was fatal injuries due to car accident. This is the 3rd hit-and-run fatal car accidents in this year. Those deaths occurred in nearby HDB car parks.  Why can't the drivers offer some assistance to the kitty or call up some relevant authority for help. Wouldn't their conscience be pricked? I only hoped that Garfield had passed away without much struggle.

Dearest Garfield,
Thanks for all the time you have spent by our side. You will be dearly missed. Rest in peace.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

Sexy butt

we can definitely understand why hamsters are indeed prolific breeders.
1 pair of hamsters can expand to the number of hamsters to 100,000 in just one year. Thus it's important to sex and separate hamsters of opposite sex.

As of yesterday, Hammie is now 96g

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Chinchilla run

and that's how a chinchilla runs...
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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Tail

See the pink little point? That's his tail! He has gained another 1g!!!! More fur loss on his face :(
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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hamster paws

I used to think that hamster paws are just like our hands. Just a surface filled with flesh, but it is not the case. I wonder what's the magic within them