Sunday, October 14, 2012

Active Sunday

Hammie has been crazily active in the day. Usually, he just sleeps through it. It is as though he had drunk Red Bull and wings were given to him today. He kept me so busy and i was really tired out by him. I could have left him in his cage but I couldnt ignore his pleas and innocent looking eyes. My heart melted and let him out. The strangest thing was that he wasn't even happy in his ball. He bit his the edges of the ball. As a result, he has roamed around the house under my close supervision for at least 2 hours (on and off). If i ever get my eyes off him, he would have escaped to the forbidden and darkest corner of the house. But he wasn't tired at all!!!!

Today was also his cage washing day. It was a hard time to keep him in such small box. Before washing his cage, i would place Hammie in the box, put in some beddings, 1 toy and all the leftover food from his food bowl. He can't give up his food and stuffing is the best option for him. This is my first time seeing him stuffing so much food in his pouches!

As he couldn't stay long in his carrier, i place him in his cage. I guessed it would be better for him that way. At least he is burning his energy by running his wheel. This 17cm wheel is still okay for him. I wonder if he will continue to grow.  Hammie now weighs 100g!

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