Monday, December 31, 2012


Listening intently to 阿嬷 preaching...

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012

what's out there?

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

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First time saying no and showing that disgusted face to egg white

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Last weekend, I went to Malacca with a few others for a really short trip. As it is the school holidays cum the end of year, where most people is on a vacation mood, the customs were really packed. Thank goodness that we did not get stuck there for long. The whole journey took about 5 hours including a stopover at Yong Peng. One of the best snacks that i ever had was the Kaya Puffs in Yong Peng. The puff is tender yet spongy. Then, the Kaya filling just melted in the mouth with the Kaya fragrance rolling in the cavity. The Kaya filling smelled and tasted really special, perhaps due to Gula Malacca or Coconut milk.
Yong Peng Kaya Puffs (not my photo)

We stayed in Hotel Equatorial, which is very near the heritage district. It is just about 10 minutes walk and we have a shopping centre just across the street too. However, the traffic there (humans and vehicles) were really heavy. Without pedestrian paths, we have to heighten our attention when walking along those roads. Many of the roads in heritage district are quite narrow. In the past, those were roads for carriages, bull locks carts, trishaws in both direction. Now those roads are a one way traffic for vehicles. One can clearly see chipped roof tiles among the old shophouses which are mostly caused by buses and other tall vehicles.

We also take a walk down the famous Jonkers Street. Items sold there ranging from bags to souvenirs and handphone casing. Pretty much like our pasar malam. However, it was really squeezy. It was as crowded as Chinatown CNY bazzaar durinh New Year's Eve. We had quite a hard time to maneuver our way out of it.

The boat cum water fountain
Some Museum. There's quite a number of museums in that area, but there was really no time to visit them. 
Fort Afamousa (if not wrong)
There are a lot of these trishaws around. At night, the trishaws come to life with those glittering LED lights
A&W Ice Cream Float!!! Long lost taste!
Malacca Chicken rice for dinner at Jonkers Walk .
Most shops there do not have lavish decoration.  Simple and Retro
Chicken Rice Balls on the right. About the size of a Ping Pong Ball. Singapore's version is much bigger.
Tender chicken meat. But i find them a little too salty.
Selling bags
Selling Gula Malacca and Doldol
Cute Winnie the Pooh chair
Lobby of the Hotel (not my photo)

Christmas Tree

Christmas Decor outside the hotel's restaurant
The very cosy corner of the room - Premium Room. 
View from the room (16th floor)
Panaramic view (shopping centre on the very right)
Sun rise

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Monday, December 17, 2012