Tuesday, May 22, 2012

my Samsung phone is back

It's been almost a week since I last heard anything about my phone. The customer service officer who took my phone kind of refused to tell me when would I get back my home. She just told me to wait for their SMS.
The SMS didn't come. I'll need my phone desperately on Monday. I rang them up and to my surprise, there wasn't any need for me to listen to the list and tons of options. The phone was picked up almost instantly by a person, not a machine.
The Samsung care centre opens at 11am. By 1055, the queue was already snake-long. Although there were many people in the queue, I was the first person that needed to collect my phone. Hence, everything went on smooth and fast.
At the counter, I learned something. If your phone is under warranty, Samsung can actually pick up the phone for you. Their after sales service is quite commendable. I like that very much. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ferrari accident

The Ferrari accident at Bugis has driven anti-foreigners sentiments high up again. The limited edition Ferrari worth SGD 1.8M was driven by a Chinese national, Ma-Chi. The driver, under the influence of alcohol, beat the red light and crashed into a taxi, causing the taxi to hit a passing by bike. The results 3 deaths - the Ferrari driver, the cab driver and the cab passenger. Based on the video, some netizens have calculated that the Ferrari is driving at a speed of more than 180km/h.

This accident angered many people and it became at the hot topic instantly. Instead of letting the whole issue to subside with time, it was said that Ma-Chi wife had ask a friend to lodge a complaint with a Chinese tabloid, asking Singapore netizens to hold back their 'poisonous' tongues and further commented that being rich is not equivalent to being at fault. Such words drove anti-Chinese sentiments to a new high and further irked many people.

People are angry at late Ma-Chi for being reckless and super duper irresponsible. It is fundamentally wrong, when a person drink, drive and speed. He was disregarding every life that a driver is supposed to owe his/her care to. As a result of his actions, he had caused the death of 2 other innocent lives, namely the cab driver and the Japanese passenger in the cab. 2 others were injured as well.

The cab driver is the sole breadwinner of the family with 3 children still schooling. One in Sec 5, the other in Anderson JC while the eldest just completed her polytechnic studies. Her dream of getting a degree is put on hold now as the family struggle to make ends meet. To-date, there hasn't being any apology from Ma-chi's family. Many netizens are also requesting for the lady in Ma-chi's car to recount the event. I think both families have the rights to know what had happened. 

To those who are driving, please do so responsibly. Do not endanger the lives of others. You may want to court death but innocent parties do not have the same wish as you. Be responsible for them as well.


17th May: 
The Chinese Embassy has extended a letter informing Chinese citizens to act responsibly and abide the laws here. In the letter, the Chinese Embassy also expressed their condolences for the victims and regrets over the accident. This is a rare move by the Chinese Embassy. I think there is just too much anti-Chinese sentiments on the ground and with all the accidents happen recently (Chinese national hijacked Taxi and crashed into budget terminal, PRC bus driver involved in a fatal accident, the Sengkang bus accident also involving PRC driver), the embassy just have to do something to cool the temperature.  

According to the Police spokesperson, Mr Ma was not drinking before the fatal accident. That makes us wonder how did he make such a bad judgment.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I am so appalled by his comments. I bet the shark fins aren't bought at a high price from those fisherman. If they are well-paid, they wouldnt be poor now. How did such a person sit on that committee?

Monday, May 14, 2012

I spent almost half of my day in the train yesterday. At one point of time, there were only 4 Chinese in the cabin, namely 2 PRCs, my mother and I. The rest of the passengers were either Indians or Bangladeshi (i cant really tell the difference) and Filipinos in the 80% full cabin. The train was neither in Little India nor Orchard MRT station. I stretch my neck and look at the other cabins. It seemed to be the same as well. Then i started to feel very uneasy. I was actually the minority in my own country.

A few stops later, a visually handicapped person  and his lady friend (normal) entered the cabin.  Most of the seats, including the reserved ones, were occupied by the Indians or Bangladeshi, but nobody actually gave up their seat to the man. Upon seeing that nobody was willing to offer a seat, my mom gave up her seat. We then had a small conversation with the lady. She commented that it had been always the case that the foreigners weren't the gracious ones to give up their seats. Of course, there were kind foreign worker who offered their seats, but such cases were very very rare. As we were talking, the young Indian chap on the reserved seat kept on stealing glances at us. Was he guilty conscious?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Phones

I've been using Nokia phones throughout my teenage years . The phones only have basic functions of calling, texting, camera and radio. Despite the limited functionality and being either second hand or third hand , they are able to withstand all types of torture. I can be really clumsy. If I were using iPhone, i wonder how many phones will i be ruining.

It was only last year that i have switched to a smart phone. And my first smart phone is a Samsung Galaxy S2. As a Gen Y, it did not take me long to familiarise with the phone. Just like the Yellow Pages slogan, 'Let your Fingers do the Walking', i simply have everything in my fingertips. My phone is my leisure, knowledge and the bridge to infinity and beyond. Now that my phone is with Samsung for servicing, i feel at loss without it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012



I was really amazed on how blogger has changed. Looks like i haven't been here for a really long while. It is so much easier to use and navigating to different blogs can be done simply. I <3 it. Thanks Google!